Trifillaris Olive Groves and Mill

Trifillaris Olive Groves and Mill (Christos Spyrou)

Alethriko, Larnaca, Cyprus

Who we are

Our company produces pure, extra virgin organic olive oil, from the best quality olive-producing zone in Cyprus. Our olive groves produce a finest quality olive oil, making us proud for its low acidity and its rich perfume, creating perfect taste enjoyments.

Every year, our many year experience in the field of organic olive culture, in combination with the qualitative choice of olive oil is valorized and more important steps regarding growth and quality improvement are attempted, by obtaining the most modern means of olives ‘harvest as well as storage and transport of olive oil.

Our company’s efforts focus on olive oil export. The exports to many abroad destinations (mainly to countries within E.U) nowadays are very satisfying, since our company cooperates with famous Olive Oil Certification Companies in the European and worldwide market.

Christos Spirou
Christos Spirou

Company Details and Activities

Our company’s activities focus on the export of pure, extra virgin olive oil from organic cultivation. Our company’s head offices are located in Larnaca, Cyprus. Our organic olive groves are located carefully, in order to be at the areas with the finest olive oil quality. Thus we achieve to produce high quality olive oil without any harmful overloads.

The Olive Groves

Our olive groves constitute homogeneous biological culture, since they are constituted only by one variety of olives, [coronian] and are located since 1997 at Stavrovouni region near the village of Alethriko in Larnaca district of Cyprus.

The coronian olive, is a Greek variety that was imported in Cyprus in 1977. It belongs to the varieties of small semen and it is cultivated for its oil that is thin, with good flavor and perfume but also with low acidity (0.2 – 0.4 degrees).

Our Olive Groves have already entered a program of follow-up, taking samples from the soil and the crop, in order to certify that our olive groves constitute biological culture and the produced olive oil it is characterized by low acidity.


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